Heidi's Revenge by Mizdimma DeSade

Heidi's Revenge Artwork by Mizdimma DeSade
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Art Details

Title: Heidi's Revenge
Date Created: 11-21-13
Copyright: © ©2013 Mizdimma DeSade
Views: 771
Posted: 11/21/2013

About the Artist

Mizdimma DeSade
Member Since November 2013

Projects: Gamaliel (Audial experimental insanity with dark energies) Project Archangel (Wife and my musical project) Ravenwoods Arts And Curios ( Our Metaphysical Shoppe) Mahakali3darts ( My 3d modeling and penname for 3d creations.

Location: The Other Side Of Reality

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This is an older piece in which I have done many varients including this entry. It depicts a woman who has become a zombie, trapped in a room, where the only exit is a window. She has been dormant awaiting for her first victim. Now that you the viewer have traversed upon her domain, she has awakened and the window that seperates you from her is starting to give way... This image was created in Poser 7, with slight post work in Gimp 2.

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