Infected by Art Book - Volume 11

Brendan Lancaster

Member Since November 2022


Artist: Brendan Lancaster


Artist: Brendan Lancaster


Artist: Brendan Lancaster


About Brendan Lancaster

From the first time I came across a poster for Batman in the late 80s, I have been hooked on drawing and illustration. Like many children growing up, my schoolwork and notebooks were littered with doodles of castles, wizards, and evil knights, and it appears I never grew out of that interest.

Today, my work is inspired by the natural world around me and the incredible creatures within it. I love monsters, aliens, mythical beasts, and all fantastical creatures. But I always turn to the amazing creatures and locations of reality to inspire and inform my work.

I live in the wonderful city of Guelph Ontario with my unstoppable wife and fierce daughter in a small home bursting at the seams with books and art.

Name: Brendan Lancaster 
Joined: November 2022

Lead artist for Dice Dungeons Mutated Monsters


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