Infected By Art Book - Volume 6

Julian Beresford

Member Since December 2017


Artist: Julian Beresford


About Julian Beresford

Julian Beresford is a freelance illustrator, Based in England, UK specialising in children’s Illustrations.
He grew up in the southwest of London. Where he spent most of his childhood lost in his imagination, drawing constantly and playing basketball. His first inspirations were British comics such as the Beano, Dandy and 2000 AD.
He has completed an FDA Animation and Game Art degree and is currently undertaking MA in illustration, he currently resides in South Yorkshire where he creates illustrations inspired by the fantastical. His works are created by using pencils, watercolours and digitally. 
Julian can be contacted by through his Email at or through his website 
Name: Julian Beresford 
Joined: December 2017
Location: UK, England, South Yorkshire, Doncaster

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