Infected By Art Book - Volume 5

Tiffany Turrill

Member Since December 2014


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


Artist: Tiffany Turrill


About Tiffany Turrill

Tiffany Turrill first began to create her own characters in the mid 1990s.

Originally raised in the Dallas, TX area, she was fascinated with marine biology and paleontology. Instead of taking a science-focused path, she moved to Oakland, CA to pursue her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration at the California College of the Arts. There, she cultivated an interest in storytelling, world building, and fairytales.

Shortly after graduating in 2006, Tiffany began a nine year career as a concept artist for video game companies - including Disney Interactive and Electronic Arts. There, she used her interest in zoology to develop creatures and characters for everything from a cute children’s MMORPG and various casual and mobile games to brutal survival horror shooters, a Blizzard-like MOBA, and an unannounced Star Wars project.

In 2010 while still working in games, she illustrated a children’s picture book, and in the years that followed began to take on projects with tabletop game companies - primarily working with Fantasy Flight Games’ incarnations of the Star Wars universe. Around the same time, she also embarked on several collaborations with peers, began showing in local group shows, and exhibited at a number of local artist alleys and fantasy art conventions.

Tiffany has since committed to freelance full-time while building a body of work in pencil and watercolor that explores classic children’s literature, regional folklore, mythic tales, and dark fantasy. She lives with her fiancé in the San Francisco Bay area, and drinks far too much tea.

Name: Tiffany Turrill 
Joined: December 2014

Children's Picture Books:

Journey of the Nobla Gnarble
Journey of the Marmabill

Role Playing Games:

No Thank You, Evil!
The Strange
Star Wars: Edge of Empire
Star Wars: Force and Destiny

Tabletop Games:


8+ years in Console and Mobile Game development, past clients include:

Electronic Arts
Disney Interactive
Foundation 9 Entertainment
Gazillion Entertainment

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA

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