The Art Order - Warriors and Amazons: A Tribute to Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell

Dave Dorman

Member Since December 2015


Artist: Dave Dorman


Artist: Dave Dorman


About Dave Dorman

Dave Dorman is has been a freelance illustrator for more than 35 years. Beginning with his first published piece as a cover to HEAVY METAL Magazine, Dorman has had the pleasure to work with almost every major comics companies as well as numerous game and toy companies. These include Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse comics, Hasbro Toys, 20th Century Fox, and LucasFilm. Dorman's relationship with Lucasfilm began 25 years ago with both of it's famous properties, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. A relationship that continues today. Dorman id the winner of both the Eisner award and the prestigious INK POT award, given for lifetime achievement in the comics and illustration field.
Name: Dave Dorman 
Joined: December 2015
Projects: Past projects include Star Wars and Indiana Jones work for Lucasfilm, Alien and Predator for 20th Century Fox, design work for Hasbro's GIJoe line of toys, movie production work and numerous comics cover art. Current projects include continued Star Wars art for Lucasfilm, Comics cover art and work with Wizards of the Coast on various projects. Work also continues on the second volume of my Graphic Novel series THE WASTEDLANDS: RAIL.
Location: Chicago

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